The Pastor’s Perspective
“Pagan Planet”
First Published: January 23, 2006
Men, just in case you get this edition of the First Epistle on Friday afternoon, and have forgotten that tonight’s the Mid South Men’s Rally, let me remind you that tonight, this Friday night, January 27, is the 21st annual edition of the Mid-South Men's Rally. The theme for the evening is "Sons and Fathers" and Dr. Al Mohler is speaking. Hurry on down to the church for dinner (5:15 - 6:30 p.m., served in Miller Hall), by some good Christian books to read (bookstore open), hear some great preaching (6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Session I: "The Father's Obligation to the Son" Deuteronomy 6:1-9), enjoy a break, fellowship and cookies! (7:30 - 8:00 p.m. refreshments in Miller Hall), hear some more great preaching (8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Session II: "The Son's Obligation to the Father" Genesis 50:12-21), and bring your fathers, brothers, sons, nephews, grandsons, and friends. No registration is necessary and there is no charge for the rally or the dinner.
I also want to invite everyone in the congregation to a special seminar by Dr. Peter Jones on Saturday, February 11, 2006 from 9-12. Most of you have heard of the “New Age Movement,” or the “New Spirituality,” or “Modern Gnosticism.” But even if you haven’t heard of these things, you’ve encountered them. Whether it was watching the Star Wars movies, or Forest Gump, or reading The Da Vinci Code, you have been introduced to this growing global movement in spirituality.
The technical term for it is neo-paganism. And Dr. Peter Jones is perhaps the world’s leading Christian expert on this new phenomenon that is re-shaping the world we live in. So, on Saturday, February 11, Dr. Jones is coming to Jackson and is going to do a two-session seminar on this important and interesting subject.
There is no cost for the seminar, and no need to register. We would like to especially invite any students (particularly those in high school and college) and those that work with them. Sunday school teachers, youth workers, pastors, parents of adolescents and pre-adolescents, professionals — all are welcome to attend.
Identifying and understanding neo-paganism is a vital part of proper cultural analysis, and it is hard to think of any place more heavily influenced by neo-paganism than our campuses. Truly, anyone interested in under-standing the present world would greatly benefit from Dr. Jones’ insights into one of the most powerful forces that is shaping modern culture.
Peter has a fascinating testimony, by the way. He was born in Liverpool, England, where he would buy fish and chips on Penny Lane with John Lennon (yes, that John Lennon!!), a high school friend with whom Peter shared a desk at school for five years. Peter and John played music together at school, but Peter never became a Beatle because his Christian parents wouldn't allow him to go to clubs! When Peter eventually got serious about his studies, he went to the University of Wales (smile, Derek and Brad!), then across the pond on a steamer to Gordon Divinity School, near Boston, Massachusetts. During Peter’s master's year at Harvard Divinity School, he “met” Francis Schaeffer (through his books) and a pretty and very smart Wellesley College student, Rebecca Clowney, daughter of Edmund P. Clowney, president for many years of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Rebecca became Peter’s wife, and they served as missionaries in France (our church supported them for years).
Now Peter helps Christians become more discerning through his ministry CWiPP – Christian Witness to a Pagan Planet. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow!
Your friend,
Ligon Duncan
Editorial Note: Dr. Jones’ sermons may be found here,