Friday, January 16, 2009

Missionary Spotlight

Jeff and Patty Borden, South Africa

Jeff has just completed over eleven years at the Bible Institute of South Africa (BISA), and is now starting a new seminary in the second largest black township in Cape Town (population .75 million!). As far as he knows, there has never been a Bible training school at Cape Town. Most of the pastors do not have a high school diploma because they are usually very expensive.

Jeff’s goal is to provide a training school for future pastors in their context, on their level and at a minimal cost. Most pastors in these areas have NO training at all, and many are hungry for Biblical training.

A further update is that two of their family members have been diagnosed with cancer during the second half of the latter year. They have some serious health problems and ask for our prayers for better health.

Their oldest son is is in Africa and seeks to volunteer for the ministry. Please pray for his transition back to South Africa after a semester and for the Lord’s leading regarding his future.

Their second son, Matthew (18) is a senior and intends to study biology next year in the US, specifically Virginia Tech. Please pray in regards to his future.

Their daughter Lydia (11) has Celiac’s Disease (gluten intolerance). Please pray for her, and for his wife, Patty. She (Patty) has an abundant amount of food preparation due to Lydia’s dietary restrictions (no wheat, barley, rye or oats). This can be difficult due to the lack of ready-made gluten-free products available in South Africa.

Lastly, please pray for some much-needed rest during the holidays and for the next few weeks.


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