Jon and Tracy Eide, Ukraine

Jon & Tracy felt God's call to build the church in the Russian speaking world, and have been doing so with Mission to the World since 1997. They have worked with church plants in Nikolaev, Ukraine, Philadelphia, PA, and now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. They feel privileged to have seen the church in Ukraine emerge and begin to become established during this time.
Jon serves as the city team leader helping to meet the needs of the Ukrainian church with people, materials, and finances. He serves the church plant by discipling young men, preaching, and teaching. Jon is ordained in the PCA, and enjoys running.
Tracy is a nurse by education, and cares for the family and home. She also serves the church and team through discipleship, prayer meetings, and hosting many visitors. Her favorite pastime is gardening.
Jon & Tracy have three children, Alison (5/24/96), Natalie (6/14/99), and Zachary (7/7/06), the youngest of whom they recently adopted from Ukraine. The girls attend an American school in Kiev where also they study Russian.
Please pray for the Eides as they minister in a country facing many challenges, and in need of the church.
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