Friday, August 26, 2005

Sunday Morning Text

This coming Sunday morning (Ligon is away at Independent Presbyterian in Savannah, GA), my text is going to be Lamentations 3:22-23, "Great is thy faithfulness." As you begin to read Lamentations 3, you will be struck by the desolation of the language--is there a lower point in the Bible? Perhaps, but not much lower. And then in the middle of this darkness, a bright light, a glow that shines and shines and says: things may be terrible where you are, but God is on his throne and he has not forgotten his promise and covenant.

Well, that's the plan. Now, I need to do some study and get it ready for baking.


Ligon Duncan said...

Thanks for this Derek. Wish I could be there to hear this exposition. I'm sure the congregation will be greatly blessed. I arrived in Savannah on Friday afternoon, and saw the interior of the Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah for the first time (or at least for the first time since I was a child), and it is stunningly beautiful. It is about the size, or just a little smaller, than the new sanctuary at First Presbyterian will be. But I have never seen a more handsome Presbyterian meeting house.

Derek Thomas said...

I will hard at prayer whenever I think of you tomorrow. Would love to see the building some day. Why do beautiful buildings influence the way we worship?