The Missions Conference is quickly approaching, so this a great opportunity for us to list all of the missionaries that will be attending the Conference. The 2008 Conference will kick off Wednesday, February 20th, and go through Sunday, February 24th. There will be a church-wide luncheon on Thursday, February 21st at 11:30am in Miller Hall.
Friday, February 22nd, will be a memorable evening, with a missions celebration featuring Ginny Owens in concert and missionary guests. The concert will take place in the sanctuary. Everyone is invited to this great time of celebration.
Our missionaries will be speaking at the luncheon, during church services, at the Day School, and in Sunday school classes., providing a number of opportunities to meet our missionaries. Please take this opportunity to get to know them and make them feel welcomed.
We need to pray for the Conference, our missionaries that will be attending, and that we would reach our Faith Promise Goal of $1.1 million dollars. May God bless this time of gathering with such a great group of people.
The Key note speaker is Dr. Iain D. Campbell, Minister of Back Free Church of Scotland, Isle of Lewis, Scotland. Listed below are the missionaries that will be attending the Missions Conference.
Keith and Debbie, Africa
John and Kathy Lesondak, Slovakia
Dan and Janet McBride, Africa
Glenn and Mary Rowan, East Asia
Bill and Suzanne, North America
Ron and Peg Smith, Florida
Jim and Caty Tate, Ecuador
Ed and Stefanie Dunnington, Roanoke, VA ~ Church Planter
David and Amie McIntosh, Hartsville, SC ~ Church Planter
J.R. and Eliza Foster, RUF, Virginia Tech ~ Campus Ministry
Joey and Summer Wright, RUF, Mississippi College ~ Campus Ministry
Bud Bratley, Mustard Seed ~ Flowood, MS