Iain D.’s first pastorate was on the Isle of Skye, where he served a small, scattered, rural congregation from 1988-1995 before being called to his native island, where he has ministered for the past twelve years. His current congregation is a 200-member church, and serves a population of about 2000 people six miles from the main town of Stornoway.
Iain D. completed doctoral studies at the University of Edinburgh, as a result of which he produced a critical biography of George Adam Smith, one of the late nineteenth century Free Church men who was responsible for popularizing critical views of the Bible. This was published under the title Fixing the Indemnity.
Among his other publications are Doctrine of Sin, The Gospel According to Ruth, Heroes and Heretics, On the First Day of the Week , Opening up Exodus, and The Seven Wonders of the World: The Gospel in the Storyline of the Bible.
Iain D. is married to Anne, a teacher of children with severe and complex needs, and they have three children: Iain, Stephen and Emily.